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Jackson Page 10
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Page 10
I plopped her down on her feet and held her steady with my hands on her arms. “First of all, I am a good guy. But I can’t reach you.”
“I’m standing right in front of you. You’re holding on to me,” she smarted off.
I glowered at her and yanked her closer to me. “You know that’s not what I fucking meant. I tried to get you to open up to me about what happened with that dickhead. I tried to understand, but you don’t talk about anything. You don’t take anything seriously. You hide behind your sarcasm and your jokes. I want someone that’s going to be real with me. And that kiss was a moment of weakness, taking what I wanted for once.”
“I don’t hide behind anything,” she snapped. “I just don’t think whining about it or crying on someone’s shoulder is going to make a difference. That’s how I deal with shit.”
“And it’s all stuck in your head!”
“Would it make you feel better if I told you that I was beaten so bad sometimes that I prayed for death?” she yelled. “Or that every time I ended up in the hospital, I tried to get help, but he always had someone on his payroll? Or maybe I should tell you that I wanted to run, but I was too fucking terrified that he would catch up with me and it would be worse when he caught me. Does that help? Does that make you feel like you know me better? Because what happened in those years wasn’t who I am. Those were just some shitty years where I couldn’t get out. I was stupid to stay as long as I did, and then it was too late to get away. So, instead of feeling sorry for myself, I’m choosing to move on and try to have a different life, one where I’m not the weak person I was with him. So, I’m sorry if I don’t fit the mold of what you think I should be acting like. This is me, take it or leave it!”
She held her hands wide and I looked at her for the first time, truly seeing the woman she was. She was exactly what she said, a woman that was moving on and letting go of the past. I threw her over my shoulder and trudged on through the river.
“What the hell?”
“Did you want to wait for them to catch up or should we keep moving?”
“That’s it? That’s all you have to say?”
“What should I say? I wanted you to tell me what the hell was going on in your head. Now I know. It really was that simple.”
“You asshole. You’ve been treating me like I’m damaged goods for the past year!”
“Look, men really are pretty simple. If I ask what you’re thinking, just say it straight out. I don’t want a bunch of bullshit that I can’t understand. I can’t read feelings and I don’t do flowery sentiments. If you say you feel sad, I’ll comfort you. If you say you’re angry, I’ll give you a gun and take you to the range. If you can’t fucking sleep, I’ll make sure to wear you out enough that you’ll sleep for a week straight.”
She stilled over my shoulder and then tapped my back. “Um, are we talking sex, or like, running a marathon?”
“If I wanted to run a fucking marathon, I’d just go work out at Reed Security.”
“So…is this your way of saying you like me or-”
“This is my way of saying that I want to fuck you. And yes, I fucking like you. I wouldn’t offer to comfort you if you were sad if I didn’t like you. And as much as I find a woman with a gun sexy, I probably wouldn’t go out of my way to see you taking out a target if I didn’t want to fuck you.”
I trudged through the water at a much faster rate than I would have if I had to wait for her. My leg was killing me, but the cold from the water was numbing the pain. Besides, I kind of liked her over my shoulder, her ass so close to my face. I could smell the arousal coming off her and if we weren’t trying to avoid being killed, I might throw her down on the ground and eat her pussy.
“Can I ask you something?”
“What?” I snapped.
“How long have you wanted to fuck me?”
“Probably since the moment you woke up and called Knight the Black Prince.”
“I did what?” she screeched.
“You want to scream a little louder? I don’t think you’ve given up our position yet.”
“I did not call Knight that,” she whisper-hissed.
I chuckled and slapped her lightly on the ass. “You were all loopy and shit, talking about him being the Black Prince and having dysentery. And then there was the whole thing about shit falling on someone’s head and moths.”
She gasped. “I did not.”
“Yes, you did. I believe you called him hot, but then you called me gorgeous, so I wasn’t too put out.”
“I don’t believe you. Besides, who remembers something like that? It was a year ago.”
“Raegan, I remember every fucking conversation I’ve ever had with you. I remember you telling me about your first period; also when you were on drugs.” She groaned, but it just made me grin. There was so much she had told me that week. I had enough material on her to last a lifetime. “Yeah, I gotta say, I thought it was a little weird that you just thought you sat in red paint.”
“We were in a hardware store!”
“Was there paint just laying around somewhere?”
“Shut up. You have no idea what it’s like to be a woman!”
“I’m pretty sure I have a pretty good idea after you told me about the first time a guy kissed you and you got wet. It’s not too different from a guy getting a woody. Only difference is, we can’t exactly hide it.”
“I really hate you right now.”
“You’ll get over it. I’m gorgeous, remember?”
“No, I don’t remember. For all I know, you’re making all this up.”
“Go ahead and ask Kate if you don’t believe me.”
I got out of the creek on the other side. I had traveled downstream quite a while and there was a good chance I had lost them. But my legs were fucking freezing and I needed to warm up if I was going to keep moving. When we were out of the water, I set Raegan down and grabbed her hand again. Before it was to pull her along. Now, it was just because I wanted to hold her hand.
“So, are we really going to walk fifteen miles?”
“Don’t worry, babe. It gives us a lot more time for you to tell me embarrassing stories.”
“I really hate you right now,” I grumbled as we continued to make our way through the trees, fields, side roads, and even another creek. I was tired, cranky, and ready to kill anyone that made me mad.
“It’s only another ten miles. We’ll be to Reed Security by sunrise.”
I groaned and plopped down on the ground in frustration.
“What are you doing? We have to keep moving.”
“I need a break. In case you haven’t noticed, I don’t do this very often. I don’t lift cars for fun or do that thing where you shoot paint at other people for fun. I’m an outdoor girl, but this is beyond just a hike for the day. We don’t have food or water and the last time I peed was when we fell in the creek. Oh, and in case you were wondering, no, I did not eat my Wheaties for breakfast.”
He knelt in front of me and ran a tired hand across the scruff of his jaw. I could see the pain on his face when he knelt down. It was obvious his leg was hurting him, but he was doing everything he could to hide it from me.
“Look, I know you’re tired and you want to take a break, but we need to keep moving. The longer we stay out here, the more vulnerable we are. I promise, as soon as we get to Reed Security, you can sleep as much as you want.”
“And a hot bath.”
“You got it.”
“And a very big breakfast.”
“I’ll take you out to Ihop and get you everything on the menu.”
I swiped a stray tear from my face and pouted slightly. “And you promise to give me a full body massage.”
His eyes twinkled in amusement. “Don’t push your luck.”
“Fine.” I took his hand and we continued on our way. He held my hand the entire time and I did my best to keep up with him.
“So, you’re
an outdoor girl, huh?”
“Yeah, well, I used to be anyway.”
“What changed?”
“Xavier,” I said, not really wanting to talk about it.
“And Xavier didn’t like the outdoors?”
“Oh, sure. We went hiking and fishing all the time,” I said sarcastically.
“How did you meet him?”
“The usual way. You know, the whole running into each other. Hellos were exchanged. Flirting happened, and then dates. Just your typical girl meets boy situation.”
Jackson stopped, gripping my hand tighter and wrapping his arm around my waist. “Are you ever going to answer a question seriously?”
“I am.”
“You’re skating the truth. I’m not judging you, Raegan.”
“I didn’t say you were,” I said defensively.
“Do you think I don’t realize that you use sarcasm so you don’t have to talk about things? I see past all that bullshit. I know that you don’t want to be real with me because you’re ashamed of what happened.”
“Wow. I didn’t realize I was so transparent. I guess my illusionist skills aren’t paying off.”
“Cut the shit, Raegan.”
“No, Jackson. You cut the shit. You think you know me so well just because we’ve lived together for a year? You don’t know jack shit about me.”
“So, tell me why you stayed then,” he said angrily. “All I heard was a bunch of excuses. You were scared or he had people watching you, but you could have slipped away if you tried. Hell, all you did was call your dad and he sent us. So what is it? Was there an actual reason you couldn’t leave?”
I didn’t say anything. It was true. There wasn’t a reason that I stayed other than just being scared. I was just a stupid girl that got stuck in something she was too scared to get out of. I wished that there was some deep, dark secret that kept me there, that didn’t make me feel like such a failure in life.
“That’s what I thought,” he said, turning away from me. He started to walk off, but then turned back to me angrily. “You can push me away all you want, but I’m trying to get to know you. I’m not judging you or trying to throw anything in your face. I like you, Raegan. I love your sarcasm and how defiant you are. I think you’re fucking beautiful and if you could just see yourself the way I do, you wouldn’t see some weak woman. You’d see a woman that made some bad decisions, but got herself out of a really fucking horrible situation. Yeah, it took you a while, but you did it. You were strong when it really counted. You will rebuild your life and it could be great, but you have to trust someone to take you for who you really are.”
I dropped my eyes to the ground and listened as he walked off. He was right, and I hated that he saw things so clearly. Still, it just wasn’t who I was to sit around and talk about things like I was some poor woman that was taken advantage of.
“Look,” I said, running to catch up with him. “This is just how I deal with things. I’m not like most girls when it comes to my emotions. I don’t cry over every little thing and if someone tells me something sad, I get really uncomfortable and make jokes. If someone slips and falls on the ice, the first thing I do is laugh. I had a friend once tell me that she loved me. I think my reaction was I know. I’m pretty lovable. And then I stood there twitching uncomfortably.”
“I can understand that stuff. Not everyone processes mushy feelings the same way.”
“Okay, when there was flooding by my parents’ house years ago, and people got stuck in the water and drowned, my first reaction was to call them stupid for trying to drive through the water. I just can’t relate to those situations. I don’t know what to say, so I just say whatever comes to mind.”
“How can you not relate? Maybe they were trying to get to a family member.”
“Can you relate to a woman having a baby and how she feels?”
“No, but that’s different. I’m not a woman.”
“And I’m not a touchy feely person. I don’t do mushy stuff and I get uncomfortable when people try to rope me into that crap. Like I said, sarcasm is just how I respond to uncomfortable situations.”
He just stared at me for a minute. “So, I shouldn’t expect tears out of you every time something goes wrong.” I shook my head. “And if I ever say something hurtful-”
“I’ll most likely say something hurtful or sarcastic back.”
Again, he just stared at me. “You were a fucking idiot for staying with Xavier as long as you did.”
“And you were fucking stupid for giving me a gun so I could shoot you.”
“What kind of woman continues to let a man beat up on her over and over again?”
“The same kind of woman that would leave him and then instantly be attracted to someone like you. Both seem unwise with deadly consequences.”
“You’re emotionally stunted,” he shot back.
“You keep your house so clean, I would almost think you’re a woman.”
“You talk like a man.”
“I fuck like one too.”
He slammed his mouth down on mine and gripped my hair harshly, shoving me down on the ground and pushing himself between my legs. “Is that what you like? To be thrown around and treated like a fuck toy?”
“If you’re still talking, you’re not doing this right.” I yanked his head back down to mine and slammed my mouth against his. He yanked my shirt up over my head and latched onto my nipple through my bra.
“Your tits are fucking amazing.”
“So’s my pussy. Get down there and fuck me right.”
My pants were yanked down my legs, but got stuck on my shoes. Instead of pulling my shoes off, Jackson threw my legs up over his head and crawled between them before undoing his pants and showing me his massive cock. My eyes widened and he smirked right before he shoved himself inside me. The first thrust was so hard that I felt like I had rug burn against my ass. His hands slipped under my shoulders and his hands cradled the back of my head. At first I thought he was trying to protect my head, but then he gripped onto my hair and realized he was controlling me so he could kiss me anywhere he wanted. His lips sucked on my neck and he nipped at my ear, all while thrusting violently into my body.
I moaned and screamed my pleasure every time his cock impaled me. I felt like I was actually about to be split in half. I could feel the insides of my legs bruising from the force of his body slapping against mine. His hips pounded against mine harder and harder until I was clenching around him.
He rolled us into a sitting position with my legs wrapped around his back and then he was lifting me up and down, bouncing me on his dick. I wanted so badly to pull my legs apart so I could be the one to control the speed, but unless I took the time to get my shoes and pants off, that wasn’t going to happen.
I jerked him to the side, our bodies crashing to the ground and splattering the mud all around us. His hips instantly started jerking into me as we lay staring at each other. He wrapped his hand around the back of my neck and pulled me in for a kiss. My hand wandered all over his body, feeling his tight abs and the thin line of hair that led down to his cock. My fingers slid between our bodies until I could feel his wet cock moving in and out of me.
His fingers moved to my hips and squeezed me right before his body pistoned against mine so fiercely he was pushing us across the muddy ground with each thrust.
“I want you to take me from behind,” I moaned.
“Your legs are wrapped around me. That’d take too much time to get out of.”
“Bullshit.” I rolled us over again and he hovered over me, barely slowing his speed. “Crawl out from between my legs and then fuck me hard from behind.”
“I’m not leaving your pussy until I’m ready to come all over your body.”
“Oh God, say it again.”
“I’m gonna come all over your body,” he hissed. “I’m gonna pull my cock out of your tight pussy and spread my seed all over your tits and down your stomach. And when I’m done, you’re gonna lick
my cock clean.”
My eyes rolled back in my head as another orgasm struck, wringing my body out until all I could do was lay there and pulse around his cock. He pulled out and jerked his cock twice right before he shot his cum all over my stomach. He did as promised and started spreading his cum up to my breasts, taking extra time to rub it into my nipples.
Resting his forehead against mine, he laughed slightly then pulled back to look into my eyes. He was breathing hard and staring at me like I wasn’t real. I slapped his cheek lightly and grinned. “Good to know you’re a decent fuck.”
“If we weren’t laying in the fucking mud and you didn’t have such a fucking tempting body, I would have taken my time with you and done things the right way.”
“Hard and fast is never wrong.”
“That wasn’t exactly how I saw our first time going.”
“I have to agree with you there,” I panted. “I never envisioned our first time with me having mud between my ass cheeks.”
He chuckled and pressed a kiss to my mouth, then wiggled out from between my legs. “I think you got mud on my balls,” he muttered while he tucked himself in. I cleaned the mud off my backside as best as I could and then pulled up my pants.
“Ready?” he asked, holding out a hand to me. I took his hand and got to my feet.
“Yeah, but now I really need a shower.”
“Sorry about the muddy ass.”
“That’s not the biggest problem. If anyone sees me, they’ll smell the cum that’s all over my body.”
He bent over and scooped up some mud, spreading it over the belly of my shirt. “There, problem solved.”
I raised an eyebrow and shook my head. “Yeah, nothing covers up cum quite like mud. Why didn’t I think of that?”
“Because you’re a woman.”
We tromped off through the mud and further through the trees. “Oh, so I couldn’t have thought of that because I have a vagina?”
“No, you couldn’t have thought about that because women come up with logical solutions, like wash your clothes or put another shirt over the one you have on. Men come up with whatever is right in front of them. Hence, the mud. Not logical, but still effective.”